Hair on leather, goat hair purses and jackets that have blown my mind plus my obsession with hair resulted in this project.
I created a new hairy friend, the perfect piece to give any outfit an odd touch. It could come right out of Morticia Adam’s wardrobe.
What you’ll need to make one is
-45 minutes
-a boxy leather flap purse. (I used an old vintage one that, as you can see, was already a bit damaged)
-one package of short human hair strands (for sale at wig supply shops, also online or on ebay)
-Glue (you can also use needle and thread. I tried it but the leather of my purse was in a very bad condition)
*Optional, I also added a golden chain to the strap. I felt all that hair needed some hardware to not look too much like a wig on a strap.
What you are going to do is glue on ‘rows’ of hair on your purse starting at the bottom. Depending on how large your purse is and how much hair you have to cover it with decide on how much space you are going to leave in between each row. I left about 2 cm between each.
Measure how long your next row is going to be, cut the hair to the right size and glue it on your purse. You’re going to be left with some short left over pieces of hair. Use those for the lower rows, or the rows on the back of the purse. Be sure to save some entire strands for the top of the purse, because those are going to be visible.
Go on gluing the rows upwards until you reach the top. Then glue the last two in the same direction at the back and make the hair go over the top.(see image that the hair looks like it’s flipped from that back to the front) You can even style it into shape with a straightening iron.
Heel creatief, maar ik vind het wel een beetje te freaky voor mij haha. Maar je DIY zijn echt geweldig!
Deze ook weer!
Absolutely fabulous! xxx MeMe
Oh, this reminds me of that guy on Project Runway who made his entire collection consist of human hair!
I think it's really wicked, and really creative of you with this DIY. Looks great!
love this DIY
I don't know if... i love this bag or not aha :D
xoxo, Céline
Really cool!
great idea doll... looks awesome!
That's a great idea, the bag looks great!
it IS odd, but cool DIY!!!
GENIAAL!! Vind hem echt prachtig.
Bekijk ook even mijn nieuwe tas, ze hebben wel overeenkomsten vind ik!
Vreemd, but I like it!
Sabrina O.
this is amazing! definitely looks like it could have came out of the addams family wardrobe... but i love it even more for that.
well done on adding the strap, i do think it's necessary!
surprisingly... i have a whole pack of human hair that i've never opened... now i need to find a flap bag :)
wow, that's a good idea! I think it's really cool.!xoxo
Love this!
Amazing idea!
once again, zooo creatief! ziet er echt goed gelukt uit joh! ik had vroeger ook van die hairy tassen, maar niet van die lange menselijke haren haha. geeft idd een 'odd' sfeertje maar heel tof!
you always have the most amazing DIY ideas. love this :)
Once again, this is amazing. I can't believe how well you transformed that bag.
Great idea :)
Love it !
Gewoonweg geniaal haha, het is dat ik zelf niet echt iets met "haar" heb maar het ziet er super uit!
jij bent mijn held!
ik wilde dit ook een keer uitproberen alleen was ik bang dat het zou mislukken. Maar nu ga ik het zeker uitproberen! Moet iets, nu ik geen kleding mag kopen haha
I am so jealous. Now make the hair shoe (Nicholas Kirkwood).
Oh my god, that's so original! SUch a great idea... It looks a bit macabre-like, but it's damn cool <3
you're so creative!
Super joh! Ofja, het past niet echt bij mij maar je bent zo creatief en stijlvol!
That is quite something! Very unusual :-)
♥ ♥ ♥
Fakkin vet!!!
En je tattoo vind ik ook echt super!!
hahaha this is so rad!
I love it!
And you did it again, Fantastic!
SO original!!!!!!!
OMG haha so clever!
Love this post
Perfection! I'm loving this so much!!!!
Amazing photos & bag !!!!!!
another amazing DIY. thanks for your email! i hope it's okay that i'm using a few of your pics to go along with the interview x
F. (
WAUW! Ik beland net op je blog en jouw blog beschrijft de stijl waar ik van houd! Je DIY zijn helemaal geweldig en ik heb daarom een klein artikeltje over je gemaakt! Ik volg je nu ook! Kom je trouwens uit Arnhem?
Your blog is fantastic!
I love your style and your good ideas... and you are just so buteful -i'm så envy :)
I'm a follower now.
-you are welcome to take a look at my blog.
ur amazing at diy! absolutely amazing!
ha ha wicked. :)
xx T
ziet er heel vet uit, je bent echt vreatief he!? x
Geweldig idee. Wel een beetje morbide maar geweldig haha. Je nieuwe tat is geniaal. Hoe kwam je er bij?
Wauw, ik moet het je nageven; het ziet er geweldig uit!
ik vind het echt geweldig!
OMFG! This is amazing!
Is that your/a tattoo? Fckn. awesome. Love simple tattoos. Anyways, only you can think of a 'create your own hairy bag!'-diy. hahaha
really great idea!
I love the idea!
this is SUCH an incredible post. i love the purse and i am definitely making my own.
Geweldig weer ! Wat ben jij toch super crea he !
That purse is so amazing! I love your simple DIY post, brilliant :)
awesome as always!
amazing!!! so smart!
I love a good hair DIY
OMG!!! you're so creative!!
i loe this idea to make a hairy purse.
really remind me to one episode in America's Next Top Model cycle 14
where the model wear hairy outfit.
i love the concept but i think that's to much if i turn it in my daily outfit.
But with this hairy bag, that's totally the best solution to take this hairy concept on my everyday style.
thx for share babe.
oh yeah i'm your new follower,
come and visit my blog..feel free if you wanna follow me back
in Love&Light
Queen d
AAAh, this is just an amazing blog!
I didn't noticed you before!
Start dreaming on
Love this DIY - the finished bag looks amazing!
my gosh i love this so much!
shall definitely be having a go at it myself!
v x
Awesome DIY. This bag is killer!
wauw! geweldig! veel leuker dan in het haar! haha! liefs,
love it, love it !!!
with love,
Ik had al gereageerd, maar wilde je nog even laten weten dat ik je doorgelinkt heb én heb getagged, haha!
Not gonna lie; that looks wicked. x
Wow, what an Amazing cool, also very innovative, keep up the great work...
Check out my shoe design blog? All my designs are hand-drawn also...Take care....
love this DIY! You never fail to dissapoint when it comes to creative new DIYs, you rock!
xx raez
clever!! not sure that i want a purse with hair though, but you totally rock it!
I don't know how I feel about it. It's sort of creepy. But I love that you did it!
November Grey
this is so freaking awesome!
i love everything on your blog-im now following
great idea! cool DIY, definitely will keep in mind
love the bag :)amazing idea
hope u check out my blog
follow me on:
just found your blog..looked through the whole thing...LOVE! following.
This is so gorgeous! I think I'd attempt this with feather trim rather than hair. The thought of a wig on a bag freaks me out a little :P
Your DIY's are always fantastic, I think I'm trying this one when I end my exams, the result is excellent!
wow you're very creative! great DIY, I especially like how you added the gold strap.
amazing! you are so creative!
I will follow you, please follow me too ;)
the first picture made me smile - looks like you are pretending to have facial hair! haha. anyway, you made a very difficult idea look flawless and professional
If you made a heap of these, I'd buy one from you.
wow. that’s nice! n it doesn’t look that creepy on the photos.. hahhaa.. great blog. following!
please check out mine too ^^
@ Click here to help!
@ Cute Stuff!
@ xoxo HitomiNeko xoxo
This is insane, what a fabulous post! I love how the bag turned out, it looks amazing!
So creative dear! Gorgeous blog! Following! Follow back? <3
WAUW ik vind het echt geniaal! Serieus, supertof, en zeker niet freaky!
Love this bag and your whole blog in general!
OMG that's so cool! Need to try making one myself, even though I'm not good at making stuff like that (:
This scares me a little bit but I love it at the same time. Isn't fashion funny? Great DIY x
gosh this is amazing! very creative.
OMG! i love it!!
Echt geweldig! ♥
Great idea! Pretty creepy too :P
looks really good!
really nice DIY! :D
Very cool bag. (thanks Outsapop!)
Completely brilliant. I definitely want to try this!
Só cool! I'm def going to try it out tomorrow! Thank you!~
WoW!!! PHantastic!!! :)
looks amazing!
great job.
Kinda gross but cool at the same time. Good stuff for doing something out-of-the-ordinary x
You are fabulous.
freakish but i love it! you did a reat job.
wat ontzettend creatief,
en origineel bedacht!
May have to nab this idea sometime in the near future!
Peace X
Heee, ik zoek al heel erg lang zo'n soort tasje!
Vroeg me af, of je tegen betaling zo'n zelfde soort iets wilt maken voor mij? Liefss Mariska
I actually did this with a twist I'll post pics soon. All I used a was old leather cylinder bag a h&m chain and a belt from I was 4 oh and a good old pack of weave lol came out great!
something like freaky but also catchy
what??? this is amazing. so creative !
instagram: rebequitaalonzo
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