dress American Apparel, Biker shorts American Apparel, Necklaces Nelly.com
Yesterday a surprise package arrived! My sweet boyfriend saw that I had been looking at these necklaces online and ordered them for me, in both colors! It was a shame though that Nelly.com just ships their products in plastic bags. No bubble wrap, no little box, nothing. They were just thrown into a sealed plastic bag. You can imagine how these neckalces looked after going through the mail process, both of them were already bended when they arrived. The quality is shit, there are already some discolorations and scratches on the silver one and Nelly.com doesn't seem to have any respect for their own merchandise and customers. Allthough they look beautiful, I would not suggest these to anyone.
*Let's see how long they last, there will be a damage update!
Oh wat flauw! Ik kon ze niet meer vinden op de site, maar nu hoef ik ze ook niet meer haha! Your hair looks lovely:) x
Really amazing things...:)
Mela xx
read that multiple times now, def not gonna buy it even though i fancied them quite much. however, even if they are only worth a few euros, i'd rather save my money for something more worthy.
although the high-end brands do not always provide such a good quality either, had to experience that with jewellery by ysl..
Great necklace, I love it.
X Zoe X
oh my god, how sad.
the chokers are amazing, though!
btw check out my give away :)
oh that's really weird, i bought the one in gold and i got it in a bubble plasted develop. but still, i agree that the quality is shit, but they were at least cheap :P
I actually remember getting mine (I just got one in silver aswell) in a bubblewrap bag. but it also had discolourations.
love, Marie My from www.nemesisbabe.blogspot.com
Uh that sucks! But I think it's great, that your are so honest!
I love all of this!!!
Love the way you styled the chocker
XO Charlotte
I got my new choker from Nelly.com today and I love it. I ordered some shoes with it, so it was laying in the shoe box. I don't regret getting mine :o)
Love, Kat
thanks for telling. that`s really shitty.
They look so beautiful but the way they are treated sounds super shit :/
Ah thanks for telling! They look really cool but i won't order them now i know..
They look great on you, but I agree - there is no point buying things that are poor quality It's such a shame the company don't care more about what they sell.
Christina x
De meeste juwelen via internet zijn slecht van kwaliteit, net zoals die van ASOS :)
I love your damage updates! I can't believe they don't even protect their own products :/
Pff triest hoor, fdat kan je als webwinkel echt niet maken. Toch superschattig dat je vriend je wilde verassen met een cadeau.
They are gorgeous!
That's so cute that your boyfriend bought them for you as a surprise.
About the damage, you could always just say they are meant to look worn!
Teenage Daydreams
I really agree with you. I bought the choker from Nelly and had to return it because it was such a bad quality. It looked like something that was rusting.
By the way I love your beautiful blog. You have such an amazing aesthetic, minimalistic style :)
Kind regards,
Nanna from Denmark
Jaloers op je jurkje!
ahhh ik wou die ook bestellen! maar nu denk ik zeker wel een paar keer na! jammer want ze zijn idd errrrrg nice!
gotta love honest comments
the quality seems like a shame but also makes them look a little rusted.. not such a bad thing
and what a nice boyfriend you have!
the outfit is killller btw, flawless!
That's awful! Especially since it was a gift. I had a similar experience from a different store. They said this arrow ring was vintage but when it arrived it looked brand new and turned my finger green :(
where's your halter top from? i love it.
I've just bought these chokers fra Nelly.com, also in both colours, and they arruved yesterday without any scrathes and in perfect condition.
Of course it will get scratched where the opening is, and mine already is a little, but that's because when you close it, you have to slide one piece into a nother.
I would recommend it to others, but an important detail is, that mine came in like 4 plastic bags PLUS paper, so they were pretty safe.
But it's such a shame that yours are already scratched and bended, especially when it was a present from your sweet boyfriend<3
My blog♥mfashionfreak
shame they are cheap and nasty! they look amazing
Bang & Buck
chokers always reminded me of the 90's, but you make them look so modern! great job, dear!
XO Sahra
That's such a shame because they look so nice :(
they look fantastic, it's a shame about the quality though. it'll be interesting to see how they go over time...
The Nelly necklaces are a bit odd; they aren't exactly chokers, because the metal isn't right up against the skin of the neck- but then they aren't like a regular flat cuff necklace, because they do stand up and away from the neck. Kind of an awkward measurement. But the company had good intentions.
and thank you for answering my question in one of your previous posts! I'm glad to hear that these comments that I am repetitively leaving you are in fact being read, and that a glance from you on my blog is possibly happening. Haha
Ps by the way, it's a little strange how much we have in common, in my opinion. For one thing, I am a young mother too :)
Solar Falcon
good review, make sure you send them back and get ur money :) xxx
Thanks for letting us know. What a coincidence, I JUST made a huge order from American Apparel and that dress is included in it :) I don't have the fabulous body you do though, my plan is to wear it as a top but you look incredible.
Wow I'm so surprised that they did that! I mean they should wrap it up just a bit better - cause you are paying money for it! Well nice that you let us know - beacause I was actually considering buying it! :-)
Ze zien er echt zo super mooi uit bij jou!
Ik had die zilvere ook besteld maar om mijn nek lijken ze echt huuuuuge.
it's such a pity that such aspiring online shop doesn't care more about their image and customer, buyt those neck cuffs look just amazing!!!!
All in black. I love it.
Love these chokers! I'd love to find a better quality alternative, though these do look lovely, i shall hunt some down! :)
Your style is perfect!
i can't say how much i love your hair!
and the necklace is so adorable.
I love how honest you are girl, so straigh forward. Hope at least they will be good in the long time but... well don't think so.
Amazing outfit as usual :)
xoxo, CĂ©line
So sorry for your experience. What a sweet boyfriend, though...
gorgeous!!! the necklaces is awesome
What a waste, they still look pretty awesome when worn and not inspected closely though :)
Too bad :( I love the look of a sleek silver collar necklace. I think I need one for fall, but thanks to your recommendation, it won't be one of these ;)
oh wow! as a frequent online shopper that's so terrible that they just threw it in a plastic bag and mailed it to you ;\ i visited nelly.com and at least i wont be shopping there because i can't even understand what they sell LOL. the necklace looks amazing on you though, that's so nice of your boyfriend! :) xx opinionslave
/ twitter: @opinionslave
even so they look incredible
I'm jealous - they don't ship to where I live! (australia)
I've had bad experiences with a lot of things I ordered from Nelly aswell, such a shame, they are really cathcing up on some things, but it's such shitty quality.
xoxo Despite color
Girl, your blog just keeps being one of my all favs. Just wanted to point that out again. The necklaces look amazing, too bad that they dont take care of them.
love it!! you look flawless and your blog is stunning. thanks for the sweet comment :)
wanna follow each other so we can stay in touch?
I totally agree, the quality is more than bad. some weeks ago I bought one of these metal chokers too, now it is broken. I tried to repair it, but no chance.
haha but whatever, if the delivery and product is shit, they need ot hear it!
Love this outfit tho, how Tomb Raider of u!
Ik had precies hetzelfde bij de mijne! Scheef en met vlekken! Inmiddels (na 2 maanden en af en toe dragen) is al de sluiting kapot gebroken! Erg jammer!
hello you gorgeous thing :)
if you're looking for a tougher option, check out
Enjoyed every bit of your blog. Really Great
Chokers For Sale
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