bomber: Acne
lipstick: MAC
Red lipstick feels like the ultimate cliche. It has so much female connotations it makes me feel uncomfortable, it just feels feminine in a tacky way. I don't own a single piece of red clothing. It kind of made me forget how pure a red pigment can be(why is my immediate association with red: tacky too tight dresses, roses, valentines day - and not: firetrucks and bloody horror movies just to name two other things). Though yesterday I wore red lipstick for the first time in years, and it felt like enough make up for one face, so besides some foundation I left it at that. It was also the first time in years -if not ever- that I didn't incorporate mascara into the make up routine. It looked a bit odd, which is good! Who else feels more comfortable looking a bit off?
I think that with the way you dress, red lipstick is so perfect on you! Unexpected pop of colour. And I love bare eyes and lipstick combination. If nothing else, it is the quickest make-up routine :) x
this is so perfectly ghostly omg. you make a normally standard staple lip color look so unexpected and subversive. so good.
Sometimes being put outside your comfort zone is such a good experience.
Recently I bought a crazy bright eyeliner for fun, and decided to wear a thin line right below my water line. This meant leaving off the rest of my black liner and heavy mascara, but the look was fresh and new. I liked it!
The dramatic red lipstick looks amazing by itself on you.
I usually wear red lipstick without mascara. Makes it feel as if I woke up in the morning, put it on and flew out the door - not overdone, but charming.
I've worn only red (or orange) lipstick like that for a while now. And I have bleached eyebrows. :) I guess it looks quite odd, but I've never thought of it that way...
Lipstick without mascara is the best thing.
Red lipstick looks perfect on you :)
XX Luba
Well Living Blog
Today :: Soft military look
How funny, I was just applying red lipstick in the mirror right before coming across your post. At the time, I had a winged eyeliner on, and combined with the red pout, it just looked way too done and "pretty." So I removed the eyeliner, leaving a little bit of mascara. It looked so much better, when I saw that contrast between bare eyes and a made up was that "odd" look you're talking about!
You rock that look!
Agreed. I think a strong lip is best balanced out by having little else going on, and sometimes mascara is the one thing that makes me feel a little "too done", even more so than red lipstick I think.
Never done it before..I like it very very much! You look great!
Dear greatings Elly..
I feel you! I also geek a bit akward when I wear red lipstick! It's to girly/feminine in my opinion. I often go for more darker colors, like dark purple and dark wine red!
With Love,
i actually love red lipstick but i've never felt comfortable wearing it either.. even without any other makeup, i hate feeling like people are getting the impression that i'm trying to draw (guys) attention/come off as really feminine, you know? you pull it off so well though!
love it! you look ghostly, which i find really interesting. i love that your eyes matches your hair- i wish i had grey eyes, so beautiful :)
keep up the good work
I'm a red lipstick lover (in all its shades) but the idea of no mascara I'll have to try it. Its looks beautiful in a simple way on you, I'm just not sure if it would work for me. Loved this simple make up! xx
I don't feel uncomfortable.
But It's true,when wearing red lipstick, I put less make up on my eyes otherwise I feel like it's too much at the same time.
Your face looks totally stunning
I can understand you … because when i wear red lipstick i just use transparent mascara, because i love this ONE SPOT make up style.
But this colour dress your very well.
It's perfect on you!
Looks great on you! I think subtle makeup works really well with your hair. :)
I have rocked really red lips and strong(ish) eyes look with white basic T-shirt & jeans combo and wild hair. But too done hair and it would be too Barbie.
But I have went to bar in 50's dress with blue "scales" on my face so after that anything else is lame. :)
Ziet er prachtig uit! x
Jouw mooie gezichtje heeft ook niet veel nodig. Red lipstick is all you need! (Het is zelfs zo erg dat ik me nu kaal voel zonder lippenstift) x
love your flawless and natural beauty!
you can definitely pull this off. I'm really fascinated by "slightly bizarre" looks on others, but never take time to experiment with my own face and always end up with the same ol'. I dig your explanation regarding your aversion to the colour red. I just hope that doesn't make me think of valentine's crap the next time I put red lipstick on :D
love red lipstick on you!
You look lovely. You can definitely pull off that look <3
wauw pretty face!
it looks great on you! tried that once too, but i guess i´ve chosen the wrong colour it was too pink..
Je hebt zo'n mooi gezichtje, echt een scandinavische uitstraling!
You look like a fairy <3 I don't like my look without mascara, because I look sick without it. Always.
Yes, heel mooi! Jij hebt sowiezo geen make up nodig dame;)
No-maskara make up looks beautiful on you, especially that you have pale face and light haird, you look so extraordinary! I onced forgot to use my mascara in the before-school rush and everyone noticed some change, since I have evry light lashes. as soon as I realised I forgot to use it I literally panicked and now I'm always bringing a small mascara with me :)
You have such a Top Model face!
I do like this on you!!
-xoxo- lorena
No mascara + red lips... so beautiful on you!
I feel the same as you about the color red. That said, I have that Mac intense orange-red lipstick Lady Danger (perfectly fitting name for the tackiness/cheesiness associated with red). I have worn it sans mascara many times. I like the look of intense lipstick and no mascara. It gives an innocent, fresh, and almost haunted appearance. :)
while in nyc for fashion week i bleached my eye-brows and that was my favorite thing ever - no mascara, no eye-brows, just bold lips. I don’t think I have to mention the fact that the look was very much off. Red lips look beautiful on you. i feel that red lips just exaggerate something that is already there - our natural reddish lips, thus that can be perceived as a minimal make-up.
Staat je prachtig!
Wat een mooie foto met de lipjes!
Yo ullok amezing, love the lip colour!
Je ziet er prachtig uit zo!
I keep wanting to try no mascara but I'm too scared! This looks amazing though, I think I'll have to try it!
Ik vind het supermooi bij je, Ivania! Ik hou mijn ogen soms wel wat rustiger als ik rode lipstick op heb, maar helemaal zonder mascara doe ik eigenlijk nooit!
that bomber is pretty amazing, i loooove it
I sometimes get tempted to leave the mascara, but I feel like Ive lot my arm without it! x
this is even better than the one before, much love.
The #1 rule in not looking cheap- red lips + naked eyes = perfection
red lipstick needs little else on the face, it's stunning and bold i'm glad you opted out of mascara. it looks so fresh.
I love this look on you. I agree re: red lips. I wear clear mascara and nothing else when doing red lips. Anything else feels overdone.
i always thought red lipstick was too much when the rest of your face is all made up, so this looks absolutely perfect! this is how i often wear it but it looks far better on you as i have small-ish eyes that desperately need mascara xxxxxx
I love this look on you! It looks really good. I have classes all day for most of the week so I hate fussing with eye makeup. I like the edgy-feminine or feminine-androgynous contrast (I like dressing very boy-ish) and so I always throw on lipstick, powder foundation and blush and it keeps me going.
Great simplicity the red does every thing and it looks pretty pure with the outfits :)
Nice !
You look great! Only thing with me is, having naturally dark and long lashes, i don't even need to wear mascara , that look is just impossible for me to do :/
hahaha I love it :)
I hardly ever wear mascara actually, people often think I wear no make-up at all and I never understood why but I guess its because the face looks more "bare" without mascara and eyeliner?
Loving the red lips on you though!
looks good, not strange!
but what's wrong to look feminine? why do minimalist always want to look masculine?
i think it's wrong, just be yourself.
(i dont't own a ID/bloggeraccount)
Wow!! I love this! So strong and pure look at the same time.
xx Annaleena
I feel exactly the same! Red can be too much sometimes.. i always wear a very dark red lipstick and if i wear the bright red, i also get rid of the mascara.
Very Marie Antoinette
I love your subversion to all things cliche, you're such an innovator.
Hey, do you have some special diet? Your skin is so nice. Would you mind doing a food post please? thanks : )
you look beautifuly here! I often dont wear mascara couse my lashes are too long then haha
You don't look slightly off at all, you look stunning!
xx Sharday
Flawless. I love the Red on you!
You look amazing, the lack of mascara with the red lips looks so modern and chic. So glad i found your blog, I love your understated style x
Love this look. I never wear any lipstick but this gives you an extra edge. I also agree on red should be more related to a person who is driven, empowered by action and less with flowers, romantic dinners and valentines. x
Looking good! I also usually wear matte red lipstick with only good, glowing base and no mascara, just to add something more I put lip gloss on my eyelids. It lightens up the look and combined with the lips look absolutely fresh!
I love the contrast with the red lipstick. The make up is perfect with your white skin and your blue eyes!
I am in love with your hair. your blog is so lovely! I created a blog about a month ago and i am trying to get more followers. I hope you like it!
You're always AMAZING. Love your approach of red lipstick :D
you're beautiful, in style, creative and awesome. I love you as you are. keep posting like that.
visit my blog.
You are exquisitely beautiful, creative, and artistic. Your blog is a huge source of inspiration for me.
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