January 17, 2014

B E A U T Y / Spot On Nails

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Who has time for long complicated manicures?
A dot on the moon and one on the tip of the nail with a nail pen and you're pretty much done. I applied it only to my index and middle finger and painted the rest of the nails solid white. It is amazing how two tiny dots opposite to each other can create such a visually graphic, balanced and elongating effect.
nail polishes: Hema


Unknown said...

Lovely blog!


Unknown said...

Great idea, will try it!


Tine said...

I like the manicure a lot but what I like the most is the way you staged it!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful idea, great idea, and the photos are perfect!


Unknown said...

The best nails are the simple ones! Specially for those on a low budget who want to save time by not going to the salon or spending long hours painting nails.

This is what I have this week

majahoejgaard said...

I'll try that the minute I come home. It looks fantastic, Ivania! :)
Have you ever tried to tone manicure on the forth finger (ring finger) in another color/shade? That can also be quite effectual.

Unknown said...

Lovely pictures.

My Fantabulous World

The Fashion Stir Fry said...



Shannon Valle said...

I was just discussing this with.. everyone who knows anything about nails. That manicure seem very time/money consuming & I was trying to work out another way to get perfect nails at home. I do love having acrylics but they wrecked my nails & your natural nails look just as good!

The Fashann Monster

Unknown said...

So subtile, I like!

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TeuntjeVDW said...

Perfect! xx.

Monica Lopez said...


jslrm said...

Dit ziet er erg mooi uit, kan niet wachten om het uit te proberen!

Anonymous said...

cute idea ever!

Jay said...

That is a lovely idea. Because I don't have white nail polish (but thanks to you I will go and buy it tomorrow) I will try it with black :)

Eva (Creativity and Chocolate) said...

So clean and chic, beautiful! xx


Rougeuse said...

Zo lief en mooi! x


Unknown said...

As simple as it looks but you always bring new ideas and I think its great...

Adelajda said...

pure perfection!

opinions, thoughts, tips...about fashion , of course... said...

complicated manicures is not my style, so you absolutly right, love what you have!

WOLF359 said...

Love the effect, beautiful!

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
duckalicious said...

ha, great minds think alike :) I expressed a similar sentiment about complicated manicures here and I even used dots, too: http://www.duckalicious.com/2013/11/the-dotted-nails.html

the style crusader said...

This looks amazing. They remind me of dominos. xx

Eric said...

nice Blog. ;)

greetings Eric

Rosalinda Tjioe said...

Beautiful nails :) xx


Millicent Simon said...

Love it!! And I also love the nail varnish bottles too :) xx


Unknown said...

Lovely nails! Great idea.


Ashe said...

Yep, doing this ASAP. Such a great idea. <3

Monika Jones said...

This looks great! I'll give it a try!

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Lotte said...

So pretty! I need to try this soon :)


Anonymous said...

Beautiful! I have to try this on myself too.

Mun said...

How cool.

Unknown said...

Thats a nice blog which give a suitable info about Beauty nails elanora thanks to share such type of info with us.I want to continue with your blogs.

Unknown said...

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Komal Jha said...

wow....useful tips for me because I'm not so able to do make up! :) you're so precious!
Lovely Read!

Unknown said...

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Alice Christian said...

Wow, I absolutely love how you’ve showcased these stunning nail designs! The creativity and attention to detail are incredible. Definitely some great inspiration for my next nail appointment! Keep sharing such amazing ideas! 😊✨ abogado dui lunenburg va