The little pile of athletic wear is a full member of my wardrobe. The clothes on that pile get picked just as often as any other pile. Besides being worn for their intended purpose, my running tights are worn for everyday. If you have seen me out dancing, big chance that I was wearing my running gear. I love the actual sports elements (not sports inspired) in these tights and there is just something about them that makes you want to move.
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1 – 200 of 220 Newer› Newest»beautiful!
Love the way you styled it<3 Really inspiring.
Beautiful coat!
Lush. I love the sports luxe look at the moment.
Your outfits are always beautiful! :)
and the best thing of wearing sports tights: they are so comfortable! much better than jeans
You look great, lovely whites!
You look chic in black and white as always xx
Only you can wear sport tights like this!
How do you manage to get away with this. So perfect.
- xx
I love your blog! Your outfits and pictures always come out looking perfect!
The Chaotic Dreamer
I love this structured coat
I'm really into sporty clothes at the moment, so your outfit is fab. x
Love the coat!
You pull off some of the most visually intriguing looks! You have some serious skills.
You look amazing girl
love the coat. well made.
this look looks so comfy, casual but sleek.well done
If i wore my workout gear out, everyone would be thinking "...whaaa?" but you make it look so (for lack of a better word,) fashion.
-Kate from Bleached Mort
I am totally in favour of combining sporty clothes with elegant pieces. It gives a great effect.
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Much Love, M
Love the coat, wish I could have one for myself!!!
Hugs from México
heel erg tof! Het staat je prachtig en geeft mij opeens inspiratie.. Mijn sportteam heeft een tenue van , erg fashionable en prima te combineren met een dagelijkse outfit. Super idee!
too good!!!
Your outfits are always surprising and stunning!
Um, perf! Such a simple yet fun twist on athletic wear. Yet, dancing still counts as exercise so I think you're totally in the right in wearing such an outfit! At least you'll be one of the few who'll be able to move freely, as opposed to the girls wearing mini dresses and platforms.
Pretty outfit! I love your coat
geweldige look!
So genius how chic you made the athletic wear look!
Simply perfection.
xx Alisha
Simply perfection.
xx Alisha
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