One month no blog update. Latest developments: I finally resigned my job at American Apparel, I am so relieved that there is finally a view on something new in my life. And because of that it makes me enjoy the few days(only 6!!) i've got left there more, work harder, and realize that it wasn't that bad at all, I had a great time at that company, going to wear their bodysuits for the rest of my life and met alot of interesting people. That said, the 9.5-hour boring workdays are over and I am so excited to have ome spare energy left to do something new and with substance. My brain needs training! Even my vocabulairy has shrunken from putting the full amount of my time in something that doesnt involve much thinking or creativity. I am so ready to spent a day in the library, buy a A3 format sketchbook, take some pictures, visit foreign cities, do an internship, go thrifting...What also musn't be underestimated as an influence on ones moods is new footwear. My new Givenchy babies were delivered 2 weeks ago!

those, are amazing. Yay for mind aerobics.
those are soooo amazing! and yaya for your free time! xxx
These are lovely.
amazing shoes!!
heel mooi!
those are amazing!!! shoes that could kill if they were only weapons imo...
check out my blog:
that is how i feel about my job. s.t.u.n.t.e.d. i feel you pain, and may i adopt your babies?
Oooooh I am so jealous, these are amazing!
Superleuke blog heb je!
Ik volg je.
Kom je eens bij me langs? x
Oh my god, I have these too! I'm so in love!
Some problems are difficult to solve, but I will try. I have a part time job to cover life. Learning by doing is very tired, but it's my life.
From this blog article, you will get some amazing tips on how to write a personal statement. This could be a great starting point
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