March 10, 2011

BEAUTY | My Ombre Hair



Photobucketivania carpio van osch

It took me nearly a year (my hair grows so slowly)to grow out my blonde hair to this point where I can finally call it ombre hair.
But I still get a lot of strange reactions when I tell people I actually like my dark roots after their advice to visit a hairdresser to re-dye my hair.


Hannah said...

well, i can understand you! it looks amazing!

Six Feet From The Edge - Debbie said...

Haha Hollanders snappen dat niet.. Ik vind het prachtig bij je! Ik ben zelf heel licht, en vind het vaak niet zo mooi om het ombre te laten verven (dus eerst donker maken en dan een soort fake uitgroei creeeren).


Marit&Anne said...

Echt prachtig!

Roshelle | Life Of Roshelle said...

Ik heb dit ook! Alleen is het bij mij al halverwege en is het iets meer geleidelijker aan het overlopen!

Femme Virtue said...

ignore the strange reactions! u look great!

Nika Chic said...

You don't need to listen to that people, because you look amazing! .)

Leanns' Vintage said...

ziet er tof uit!

LUU H. said...

urgh, I dont understand why people don't like long dark roots... It's look so more natural and so bohem!

Tonje said...

haha, i get the same reactions, but just ignore them and carry your hair with confidence!That`s what brings true beauty! :)

xx T

Fashiable | Nanne said...

Heel erg tof!

Unknown said...

I love ombré hair!! Your ombré is awesome:)


Ik vind dit wel leuk staan eigenlijk, ik zag toen ook die zeikreacties op girlscene over je kapsel, mensen begrijpen het niet:P Ik vind leuk en niet trashy staan!

Anonymous said...

ik vind het jou echt prachtig staan! die zeurende hollanders, haha.

Julian said...

I LOVE it! Makes me want to dye my hair blond to copy you... haha!

Anna Maria said...

schijt aan die mensen die dat zeggen hoor iv! niet alle mensen kunnen dit hebben maar jij wel =D

Tonya said...

So beautiful! I'm jealous :)

Thanks for stopping by!

cleo said...

i tried to do ombre my hair but i wasnt that good:)) love your result:) love ombre!!!

Mysticals said...

Het staat je echt geweldig!

Anonymous said...

Ik hou van ombre haar! Ik denk dat het met rode puntjes ook heel mooi bij jouw haar zal zijn

Lara Woodbine said...

wow it looks amazing! I <3 the colour

Anonymous said...

haha, I absolutely love it. Ombre hair is pretty :)

Anonymous said...

i LIKE UR HAIR said...

GREAT ! i love ombre hair.



Anonymous said...

Girl I absolutely love it! I wish my hair was at a point that it was like that, now I need to wait or colour it like this. Still considering a neon at my ends...

xo thefashionguitar

amalie said...

i think it's lovelyyyy!

Bronzed Humanity said...

Lol...looks good...AND you know what you real color is..perfect!

Hot Pink Day

maria. said...

Your blog is gorgeous! followed~

Jan said...

Oehw looks great!
Love it,
I wish I could do the same... (:

Taylor said...

It looks really good. Mine grew out naturally too, then I dyed my hair brown and I hated it so I had it dyed back ombre.

✗✗ said...

I absolutely LOVE Ombre hair!! It looks gorgeous!

Thanks for stopping by my site! I love yours, I'm following!

Clara FMiranda said...

It look really good actually. I'm thinking of dying my hair like this

Raez said...

haha, don't listen to your hair dresser! ombre hair looks great on you!

xx raez

Frank Vinyl said...

looks pretty cool!
like it

t said...

Hot hair!

Anonymous said...

I think your style is very beautiful!!
And you are very beautiful,too.
I love it!

Fashion Gossip said...

It looks great! Im going to my hairdresser today to do it! Im so scared! Hahah! M.

Lynn said...

Dankje voor de comment op mn blog :) Jij ook succes met leren! ik word helemaal gek van al dat schoolwerk :S

Alisa said...

I think your hair is amazing... I was always wondering about how do you keep it up this way... it always looks great. I thought it was totally intentional!

Anonymous said...

I like it :) Looks great!

I have something similar going on at the moment, only inverted - lighter roots - black hair. Was considering a trip to the salon to fix that, but after seeing these photos I've had a change of heart on the matter.

Rock the roots, I say. :)

Joanna Paulsen said...

Don't redye it! It looks good like that.

Stiene Saenen said...

Ik vind het heel mooi! x

Anonymous said...

love your hair!! thanks for your have an amazing blog and it's always a pleasure to visit it with a lot of attention!
see u

FrauBlütenstaub said...

best blog.
best hair.
best style.

AMAIA said...

I like it too!

Unknown said...

helemaal mee eens meid! houde zo...:)!


Anonymous said...

Definitely loving the way it looks.

Sophia Molen said...

Zegt weer wat over je uniekheid.

Tanya Dempsey said...

I love it!


November Grey

Visit my side project on redesigned thrift!! Secondhand Star

STEFANIE said...

yess, looks great on you!

Jardin de la Mode said...

Haha, ik vind het juist supermooi!

Marloes | The Style Sandwich said...

I love how your hair looks like this!!

Pandalina said...

same thing goes for me!
I love your hair.

Camilla said...

your hair is so beautiful! x


Haha! I hate it when that happens. I go crazy when I can't find a blog I keep thinking about. Glad you found me! :) xoxoxo

ps. really really really really like the pink lips on you.

Katherine said...

Your hair looks great :) I'm a new visitor to your blog - can't wait to read more entries. Have a great Sunday!

Francesca said...

Your hair looks lovely! This is a good length for balayage. xa

Reg Rodriguez said...

i guess not a lot of people understand the concept of the ombre but it looks good on you!:)


Anonymous said...

Looks really cool ! ♥


Jana Byrne said...

this is my ideal hair colour-i took a photo of you to my hairdresser :)

check out my website>

Maria said...

haha, I actually fake my ombre hair, I've bleached the ends..

Unknown said...

Wauw! ziet er cool uit. Idd niks aantrekken van die mensen die het niet begrijpen ;-) Ik ben je gaan volgen! Jij mij ook?..

xoxo eva

Anonymous said...

so beautiful!<3 follow me!

Unknown said...

I love it! it looks great!

Vintage Rules said...

I love your hair.

Anonymous said...

I love your blog, really amazing;)
maybe you can check out mine:

Fabulously Lazy said...

looks awesome!

tutta aleksandra said...

I adore your hair, it's perfect! I wish my hair could pull off the whole ombre look as nicely as yours does.

Anonymous said...

your hair looks amazing!

Yve said...

This is my hair now too, and yep - all my friends are telling me to fix it up but I'm starting to like it!

jada and jon said...

yeah man...i love it. don't dye it.
come check out a pic from our lalaland gypsy shoot we did! vintage from it to be on the site soon!
and follow to get a 20% discount!!

Anonymous said...

I think it would look so much better if you didn't have the ends bleach blond. Your roots are too dark so it doesn't blend nice. I bet if you dyed them to maybe 2 shades darker or so it would look more natural. The way it was intended.


Thanks for your honest opinion anonymous. But I actually intended it to be a bit unnatural, I like the neglected look.

Anonymous said...

wonderful pics!!

Sakura Emme Fashion Blog

Nesta said...

Love the orange nailpolish !!


A said...

In the US this is a hot look! People would never believe you didn't have it dyed this way intentionally. I got it done a few weeks ago (not planned, I just told the girl to do what she wanted because I needed a change and she apparently wanted to practice this because people are asking for it). Love it, best of both worlds and no maintenance!

Lia Prosh said...

I had the same 'problem'. My hair tips were blonde like yours, and so many people told me to go to the hairdresser to re-dye it because most of them were thinking it doesn't look good. But I like my hair, and I'm not very interestet in what all the others think about it. (: