Bloggerswardrobe is a new website that will connect bloggers with brands. Unlike most commercial projects, at bloggerwardrobe the independance of the fashion bloggers is kept sacred.
I think that being independant is the core essence of blogging. Personal opinions that are not influenced by commerce, money or free giveaways. (ever noticed I have no ads on my blog? If I wouldn't buy a product without the ad, I don't show my readers the product) Being honest and independant gives a blogger huge credibility. If those heels hurt like hell, a blogger will say it. Magazines maybe wouldn't if the brand of the heels is an advertiser. But if I say those new Acne pixel boots are comfortable, you know you can trust on that! I would love to become part of Bloggers Wardrobe and approach fashion in a personal and journalistic way.
A few of my favorite blogs, which I've admired and followed (some)for years are also part of Bloggerswardrobe, like Park&Cube, Coco Rosa and Pneumonia White. Read more about them at Bloggerswardrobe.Com.
echt verliefd op alles wat je doet <3
gorgeous photo - and i completely agree that blogs are best when totally independent
I think honesty and a strog voice/opinion in regards to fashion is the key to a bloggers credibility. A handful of my favorite blogs have ads/wear free clothing but it's done in such a way that it aligns with the bloggers aesthetic and philosophy. Many blogs fail at that.
I'm glad there are still blogs out there (like yours) that have a unique perspective, it's refreshing to see something different rather than more of the same.
i love this post, i think you are so right :) did you make that necklace yourself? I love it!
this sounds amazing! i can't wait for it to start. i'm curious as to how it's going to be set up and what the opening date is this month.
great look! xx,K.
Completely agree with you - unfortunately many bloggers become an instrument for advertising of one or another company instead of showing personal style and opinion. Still you and some other bloggers continue to inspire creativity and independence. Looking forward to this new project.
ik snap je punt, maar ik denk wel dat er een tussen weg is. ik denk dat je ook onafhankelijk kunt blijven mét advertenties, maar het vereist wel wat 'stevig in je schoenen staan' en gutts enzo. ik hoop voor je dat je erbij komt en ik vind je lipstick really gorgeous!
Agreed. Also, I love the look, it is beautiful.
I got that (mass) email from Bloggerswardrobe too...
They asked us to write a blog post about them/to promote them as an 'audition' to choose us for the chance to have access to the magical, free bloggers wardrobe. As enticing as it is, I'm not giving them free advertising.
Sorry to say it but this post is an ad :P so you have one ad on your blog.. good post though. hope you're chosen.
You look so amazing! Also love what you wrote, agree that it's kinda an ad, but oh well you have awesome beliefs and I'm hoping you'll get it!!
Die lipstick staat je geweldig goed!
its all about being honest and original!
Sounds interesting! And sure bloggers should stay away from "pre-paid" product reviews and stuff. But I also think that with all the effort we put into this, we should get something in return.
xoxo Despite color
what a great idea for a website! - I'll just go an check it out!
love, Marie My from www.nemesisbabe.blogspot.com
great idea for a website!
and i think your hair looks absolutely fabulous ♥
wow wow wow!
Couldn't agree with you more!
What a great site!
Unfortunately, here in Argentina, comercial bloggers are on the top now, I found that very repulsive, I mean, bloggers are suposed to be the consumer's voice, not the seller's!
Hope it all comes to and end soon!
Very nice photo! Your eyes are adorable. :)
xx Paula || intergalactic radio station
I've followed a few of those girls on that website and ended up un-following them because they are so boring after awhile. (no offense)
You're in my top 5 favorite bloggers and I only have 3 favs so far. Not to sound like a kiss-ass, but it's true.
I've been around the blogosphere for awhile and only actually READ a few blogs.
You're always consistent and interesting. And thats why I read your posts, (and most times not comment because I'm a jerk.)
Whatever you do, your do it good. I love that!
XO Charlotte
I agree with you, Ivania! But I think a blogger can have ads on his/her blog and still keep their integrity. But when a blogger is paid to have an opinion about something or paid to recommend something they wouldn't recommend if it weren't for the money, something is not right.
I think Bloggers Wardrobe seems like a great concept, but I also think there are many big bloggers that are independent in spite of making money on their blog.
Your standpoint is admirable, and it's great that you care about staying true to yourself and your blog!
.. and btw: great picture!
Je stuk klopt helemaal! Ook al begin je toch wel te merken dat op veel blogs berichten wél beinvloed zijn door bedrijven... Het is natuurlijk ook wel logisch dat bedrijven op bloggers inspelen, want iedereen weet inmiddels wat voor invloed bloggers hebben op verkoopcijfers en naamsbekendheid.
You are so gorgeous! & I love your blog! :D
Have a Good Day!
Daarom ben jij één van mijn favo bloggers :)
ahh you're gorgoeus x
It seems like a good concept. Integrity in fashion blogs makes me more likely to read them. I don't need to know what companies are basically paying bloggers to say about their products.
In any case, it's because of posts like this that I love your blog. You're fully conscious of how things work and it's very appealing to read in a blogging world where most people hardly write anything.
That's why I follow your blog!
*gniffel* laughs, what Francesca said:-)
no one can inspire me like you
OMG your face is exquisite
and those colors...everything
I'll start working on your post.
deep love!
Te Amo!
This is so true, I don't have ads on my blog either and it means a lot to me when i see that other blogs with a big following don't have them. honesty is really key.
Ooh, I'll check the website out.
And you are extremely gorgeous. This photo of you is breathtaking.
@ Francesca: Yes I am also very careful with mass e-mails, and don't even respond to those beginning with 'dear blogger' But I actually received a personal e-mail from Bloggerswardrobe.
And Yes! I also agree that keeping your integrity is possible with ads on your blog. But those ads need to be cohesive with the content of the blog. If I wouldn't be interested in the product without getting payes to, I wouldn't recommend it to my readers. (At the moment I'm talking to a few advertisers.)
wow,you're really beautiful!
i want your lips! :D:)
you look B E A U T I F U L here. I'm impressed.
I'm a new follower and I think you are awesome!!!
xx T
lol :) this is a very good post :)
and I adore your blog no matter what :)
Advertising is hard.. but I do think you can have sponsors while keeping your integrity..
I just only work with brands, labels and products I really really like, making my advertisers kind of like my favorite shopping section, and try to keep it as minimal as possible, I think working in that way makes the commercial aspect of your blog more personal..
Still, I wish I wouldn't have to :)
I'm really curious about the labels bloggers wardrobe will have!!
Absolutely fabulous. Checking it out pronto.
P.S. I am definitely trying your diy Backseem tights this weekend <3
So true! I also believe that blogger's independence should be the primary concern. I also believe that some bloggers claim that items are cool/nice/easy to walk on just to gain some kind of recognition or something. Like the pointy, assymetrical high black Zara heels you'll find on any dutch fashion bloggers site. I tried them on and they hurt like hell. I don't understand why people would claim that these are part of their daily wear' when it's just not realistic. I sometimes think that some bloggers buy or wear stuff because all other bloggers have them as well (acne pistol boots, the neon yellow or green cambridge satchel bags, isabel marant sweaters and the list goes on) and they sort of want to fit in. Or, they were given money to advertise for certain items.
I love that you stay true to yourself and don't make these claims. Your blog is on of my favorites!
Keep it up!
Your blog is beautiful and i love your attitude. I've noticed often some bloggers start blogs to be the "next rumi neely".
Such a unique concept, thanks for sharing. Going to check it out.
i also love the concept of bloggers wardrobe, independence is so important.
i love the necklaces and the bright pink lipstick...you are too gorgeous!!
this is an incredibly amazing photo of you lady xx
thank you so much for leading me to this website! I love your blog so much!
nice blog :o)))
I agree
you're so beautiful... and i guess, as well without MAKEUP !
so... i just wanted to know, if you wanna join my project "BLOGGERS WITHOUT MAKE UP"
all informations you can get here
So true! Great words! Happy friday! XO Rebecca
Wow you look amazing! Love it!!! Follow me for following you! :-) http://confessionidifashion.blogspot.com/
Een heel goed initiatief en past zeker goed bij jou en je blog. Trouwens hoe krijg je het licht zo mooi op die foto?? Echt pretty! x
Ik las het van het weekend en een super leuk initiatief. Mooie foto ook. Ben verliefd op je kettingen.
this is so true. as much as i know it's their choice to accept free clothes it's always a little hard to take it seriously. would they have bought it with their own money? i don't fault them- free clothes is free clothes, but it makes it a bit less interesting to me.
I totally agree with what you said! Also this is a very gorgeous photo
Discovered your blog yesterday and just wanted to tell you i love all your posts, i read every single one you have such a great unique style!!! i see everyone tells you that already! i dont have a blogspot that i use, but i add u to my bookmarks!!!
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