Briefcase: Vintage
Notebooks, Agenda: Bijenkorf
Book: Writing for the fashion business by Kristen K. Swanson and Judith C. Everett
Today was a day of shopping, not for the new fall arrivals but for school supplies. Summer has ended and it is time to get back into those school benches. I study journalism but have aspired to specialize in fashion journalism long before I even started studying. I've been trying to built an archive of fashion magazines and books that will serve me as references. A book that gets picked up so often that I do not even bother to put it back on the shelf is; Writing for the fashion business by Kristen K. Swanson and Judith C. Everett.
For everyone who has ambitions like mine I recommend you to buy this book. Whether you want to work in public relations, become a magazine editor, write critical pieces for newspapers or make scripts for videos. This is a guide full of all the basics that you will need to know. The content of the journalistic chapters is very much like the book we use at school(Basisboek Journalistiek) Basic book for journalistic writing. It provides writing techniques that are tuned to the fashion industry. The PR and marketing chapters provide a good insight on how the opposite side of fashion works. How advertisers work to get brands out there and what their strategies are to manipulate the media.
The book explaines practical things like how to do an interview, how to review a fashion show and even has a few pages on how to avoid sexist writing. It also shows how to write letters if you want to borrow clothes from a brand or get seats at fashionweek. It is an immensly handy book to have on the bookshelf in case you are in doubt about anything during your writing process. The content on these 604 pages is too diverse to give a proper review on. But I can almost assure you that whatever question about fashion and media that pops into your mind right now; Yes the answer is in this book.
Love the vintage bag. ♥ I have one similar, great for school for sure.
xx indie by heart
wow, the book sounds interesting...I am not into journalism or anything similar but I would love to read it anyway...
xxx keepwobblin.com
Writing for the Fashion Business sounds remarkable and practical. Will definitely have to peruse it sometime. Best wishes on going back to school!
♥, Jamie
I'm not even doing a media course at uni, but I've always wanted to be involved with the fashion industry, so I think I might have to check out this book...
Lovely Vintage bag, stylish and minimalist diaries, Nice post as usual :)
I've been looking for notebooks like that. & FIERCE bag! :D
Have a Good Day!
I also want to aspire fashion journalism and that book sounds fantastic! I'd love to get my hands on it. Thank you for the recommendation.
Sam x
these photos are great! Love the bag! i think I should check out that book you have their
That's very kind of you to let us know about such a resourceful book about fashion journalism. All the best for your new semester! I'm sure you'll do great!
sounds like an amazing resource! Thanks for sharing. And I always loved shopping for school supplies. Kind of wish I was headed to school in september too...
Where did you buy the book. I searched online and saw it for the least price of 67 dollars :/ but if i must i will pay that because it sounds so helpful
Vi from Cali
awesome, i need that book being a fashion writer myself!
the bag is soo cute and i hope you succeed with everything :) xxxxx
Wow, I'd get the book in a heartbeat! Seems very complete, and would go right in my most-read, being as how I aspire to fashion journalism as well...
the bag's cool too :)
jo from slowcatharsis.blogspot.com
Thanks for the heads up on the book!
oh, I need to get that book. That's exactly what I want to do! Thanks for the recommendation, I'll go out and buy it now!
love, Marie MY from www.nemesisbabe.blogspot.com
oh no!
i wish we had a second hand store here...
i also need a black back for school...
still searching ;)
love the briefcase. i looked up that book, it sounds really good but oh my god... it's so expensive!
january, x
I used to want to study journalism, specifically fashion journalism but then I decided on graphic design instead :) good luck with your studies!
That briefcase looks so good! And that seems like an interesting book! I'll definitely read up on it:)
Thank you for the suggestion... I'll try to look for it... wish you the best
do you have a job besides your study's? love the briefcase, and your style generally
I work on a freelance basis. But besides my studies, my blog and occasional jobs I also have a four year old kid, so there isn't much time left. Wish I had an extra day in the week though.
I'd realy like to have this book!
The book sounds very interesting, gonna read, for sure! And I love that bag!
xx Paula || intergalactic radio station
such a lovely post♥
i'd really like to read that book! looked it up on bol.com and it was 80 euros! haha, bit too expensive right now :) maybe later! great post!
Really love the bag! xx
I love your school bag. It's sophisticatd yet worn...it's perfect!
You pretty much said what i could not effectively communicate. +1
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Dat boek lijkt me mega interessant!! Hoe bevalt hij jou?
XO Charlotte
wow, thats very impressing. Just started to read your blog, u are a huge inspiration !
Style perfect. I lvoe your raw ebauty- freshness and charming. love your lips and your blings!! ahh!... x.x oooooo shiny...
Fashion Speed,
xoxo from macau
thank you for the advice!!
I've been reading your blog non-stop for a couple of days now. I find reading blogs the next best thing to watching movies on a rainy day, and in Amsterdam we've had many a rainy day!
I like to see how you've developed your own sense of style, DIY examples and Lois is just too darn cute!
I think you are well suited for fashion journalism, and I look forward to seeing how you'll develop in the future :)
x Char
Thank you so much for recommending the book - it's superb for my education in PR!
Off to Amazon!
I just put it on my Amazon cart! Thanks for the advice! xx
- I am delighted to have found this blog, it's a marvelous resource. Fashion Guide
Thanks for suggesting the book on fashion journalism, I just ordered a couple of books about the industry yesterday and to be honest this is something like what I was initially looking for! I'll be searching for it on amazon now !
i just pinned this into my pinterest board of to read books
might be a little hard to find it in salvador de bahia, though, but i'll try. otherwise, hello amazon.
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