This outfit looks like something Posh Spice would wear circa 1996. Victoria was my least favorite spice girl at the time, but looking back now she had the best monochromatic, black / white outfits of the bunch. And as I always wanted to be sporty spice(though often got forced into baby spice - thanks blue eyes) when reenacting their performances with my friends, you can imagine I did not feel entirely comfortable in this tight, feminine silhouette. To be Honest, after an hour or so I threw an oversized white bomber over it and changed my heels for white sneakers. On a final note something about the quality of the skirt; unlike most jersey tube skirts, this one is double layered -not saying you don't need seamless undies anymore- but it does make a big difference in structure.
stunning! xx
Nice look. I felt the same, the msot boring of all the spices, but I guess she looked great. I cannot criticise my favourite's outfit - Baby. She was always my #1 with the platforms and minidresses and ponytails <3 haha
<3 (no words needed) xx.
awesome as always Ivania :)))) <3
Giorgious outfit, my dear!
So sleek and chic! Great way to channel the look. x
You look amazing. Posh was also my least favourite but looking back I was so so wrong!
- www.jennabarbara.blogspot.com xx
Your hair is so perfect i want that color.
New post ( July favourites)
beautiful look! i love the crop top!
I love your outfit, so pretty! Posh was my favourite spice girl!
I think you look incredible. You have an amazing figure - you're so toned!! I know what you mean, posh spice was never my favourite either. But this is a great posh-inspired outfit. I would have felt a bit self conscious in the heels with this too, but really, you look incredible!
it's so perfect for you
Love this look! And your hair matches :) you look lovely x
Sporty Spice is echt jouw Spice Girl inderdaad. Ik moest ook altijd Emma zijn, maar aangezien dat destijds mijn favoriet was vond ik dat helemaal niet erg. Leuk stuk! :)
Love this, you always look increible. Your creativity, style, everything; is just amazing.
Wanna float with us? http://www.floatstardust.blogspot.com
The Floating Team!
it fits perfectly!
Mooie outfit! Die rok is echt super :)
Haha I totally get what you're saying about Victoria! How things change.. My favourite was Geri! I know... Why in the world?! Anyway, I got almost exact same skirt at h&m about a week ago and they also have perfectly matching sweatshirts! Ended up not getting one bc I just cannot imagine wearing anything long sleeved in this heat, but its definitely on the list! That could be a good solution to make the look not so posh as well ;)
Looking beautiful, as always!
Wonderful look. The feminine silhouette looks great on you!
Fashion Eaters
the top and the skirt colour match so well. great outfit. No need for the bomber, you can certainly pull this off without!
It's a LDN Thing
You wear bodycon clothes so well! love the bag <3
Lillian from The Rustyhead
looks like not from this plant ;)
freak in you
Ontzettend mooi! Voor mij heb je het perfecte lichaam
I love the bag!
the shoes are so beautiful
kisses from
I need some midi in my life...
She was also my least favorite spice girl, but what an amazing look ;) xx
i love this outfit, very posh spice. her and baby were always my favourite! im jealous you were always assigned baby spice because i always wanted to be her, but never got to be because of my brown hair and dark eyes. childhood horror!
sophie| fashionslave.co.uk
I love how the top and skirt match each other perfectly and they aren't even from the same place. Love this whole look!
Love this! So simple and amazing!
You have such a beautiful blog! I love it!
I'm checking out your older posts and I'm following you on Bloglovin,
If you like, I'd be so honored if you follow back!
La Dolce Moda
I'd LOVE that look with a while bomber and sneakers!
This is so gorgeous! Love the simplicity and subtle coolness/elegance of all your outfits, but this is by far one of my favorites!
you look so cute! wouldn't have thought posh spice at first lol but u look great. would love to know how you would style a black tie/red carpet ensemble.
love this look on you. you have a fantastic figure.
reckless abandon blog
Love this look!
your hair is amazing!
You're perfect! Fashion God.!
90s chic, at its best!!!
Love the length of your skirt!
Stunning outfit! And yes, although I hate to admit it, VB does have very good style.... Xx
K a t e C r o s s | Modette
I was never a Spice Girls fan but I couldn't help noticing that Victoria always had a great sense of style. You look great in this ensemble too. I was just wondering, how did you manage to walk in that skirt? It looks pretty tight and doesn't seem to have a slit.
you're such a babe!
These photos are so....visually soothing. :) I adore your two-tone grey ensemble!
I love when people look "geometric pop" and you just did it somehow in a really cool way. I like it when you're wearing grey. This look is awesome with all its simplicity.
NEW POST: Working out in heels is stupid--but can you think of a better idea?
Simplicity at is best
You are rocking that outfit!
I love the marl grey look, and you can tell how much difference the thicker tub skirt make, The really thin ones end up bunching up around my hips I find.
Sarah x
this outfit is just amazing love it!
please check out my blog, i'd really appreciate it xo
this outfit is just amazing love it!
please check out my blog, i'd really appreciate it xo
gorgeous outfit you look amazing! I also hate tight things :( my favourites spice girl was baby! :P Its crazy thinking thats where Victoria Beckham came from and now shes a name in fashion!
Hayley xx
hair looks so good as always! killer outfit x
love this outfit !
xx Michelle www.miesenloon.nl
Ivania I really love this outfit!It's kinda perfect! love you and your AMAZiNG Blog!
xx trianglesstrikeback.blogspot.com
You've defined simplicity to its very best x
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