When the employees of the hardware store know you're name, you know that you're a regular customer. I either visit to shop for industrial jewelry or DIY supplies. When looking for some rope last weekend, I came across these tiny bow-shackles that were hanging right beside it. I had already spotted them in a wrist-size but these were too thick and not delicate enough to wear (though several jewelry designers have translated those into wearable pieces). The tiny technicalities of the screw, the hole in it and the embossed '80KG' in the metal make this piece so interesting to me. Also love how because of the curved shape there is a gap of air between my finger and the straight end of the screw.
(some earlier hardware store finds: 1, 2, 3, 4)
Most metals with a mechanical purpose have not been tested for allergic reactions with skin. What you can do to avoid any possible skin irritation is applying a layer of clear nail polish on your 'jewelry'.
Lovely post !
I get so excited every time I a new DIY post from you on bloglovin'!
The Fashann Monster
I love your DIY accessories but they always spark one small question to me, don't they irritate your skin?! Do you treat any of your pieces at all? I just know that after 30 minutes of wearing these my skin would be red and itchy.
This might be a good thing to add to the blog post
Some of them do, sometimes they come with different coatings, the brass pieces never affect me for example. What you can do to avoid any irritation is to coat them with a layer of clear nail polish :)
Yes, clear nail polish is my usual trick too but judging by your lovely raw textures I was curious if you were using something different ;)
Wonderful piece. I'll definitely have to check in to my local hardware store.
Fashion Eaters
Beautiful! <3
This is adorable!
Emma x
I really like how you always weave a little story around small objects and goodies like this. It makes them special and lifts them up from a simple tool to a design object. Nice post and a really cool accessoire.
What a beautiful piece! xx.
love it, so cool!
Ha, I'm wearing this tiny bow-shackles also as a ring since a few month. And many people thought that this is a expensive jewellery piece. :-)
So beautiful.
Wanna have one!!!
Such a cool idea! xx
Yes, clear nail polish is a great idea!
This is amazing!
Thank you for sharing Ivania.
this is pretty awesome, love hte simplicity of it! xx
Alice Barton ♥ TheMowWay
Perfect, I need this in my life!
xo' M
so creative, love it
What a nice idea!
I'm accustomed to shackles on boats, never once thought to repurpose one as jewelry. Clever. :)
This is such a creative idea!
Ivania, I love how you use hardware for jewelry! I guess I should get better acquainted with the hardware store inventory. :) I'm definitely getting this little thing. I just showed it to my husband and he said he knows what it is. Good! Cause I don't have a clue and wouldn't know where to look. He even told me what it's called but it already flew out of my head. :)
If you care to look, I make rings out of stainless steel nuts: https://www.etsy.com/shop/LogicFreeDesign/search?search_query=nut+ring&order=date_desc&view_type=gallery&ref=shop_search You have to drill them out and polish the inside of course. But the way you turn hardware into jewelry without even any alterations is very inspiring! Yours is the only fashion blog on the Net that keeps me inspired with every single post! xxx
love your ideas!you so creative and inspiring!<3
I'm always impressed how you can see the beauty of hardware. so simple yet amazing.
Wat gaaf zeg!
Ik heb de afterDRK armband die hier heel erg op lijkt.
minimalist beautiful
Ja zij had dat onder anderen heel mooi vertaald naar een kostbaar sierraad :)
Hi Ivana,
Ik hou ook erg van sierraden die van metaal zijn en robuust zijn, maar naar welke ijzerwinkel ga jij? Ik woon ook in Amsterdam maar zou niet weten waar er eentje zit.
Love your blog!
X Sophie
Hi Ivania, great post.
I actually made a list of the best make-up blogs some weeks ago, where I listed your blog as one of the top 3 best I know. You can see it here:)
perfect! love xx
I love this piece simply because it is so innovative and reminds me of the new Hermes rings.
Great design multi-purpose (haha)/
funny ring ;)
What an amazing ideas you have! It seriously made me mad at the creative ides, I mean it's looking very attractive. You turned out a perfect jewelry out of nothing.
a great art
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