October 29, 2012

L I F E / Stockholm




An empty Facebook wall, complete silence on Twitter, unopened emails and no blog updates. During the last couple of days I have completely disconnected myself from all things digital. For 3 days I haven't been bombarded by hundreds of tweets and thousands of images online, which now I have come to realize are things that clutter and contaminate one's own views and ideas. Instead I was soaking up the unreal reality of Stockholm; breathtaking architecture, inspiring museums, friendly Swedes, constant sunset and the sound of the whirling sea water everywhere. More on that + the places I visited soon!


ALCOHOLS said...

i know how a pause like that feels, i always do it when i go back to my home country, only i use to read a lot instead of going out and absorbing atmosphere... anyways, internet breaks are great and very refreshing! x

Vicky said...

cool photos :))


Lea said...

Lovely photos!

Unknown said...

from time to time take a break is just good...better if you're in vacation!
Enjoy Stockholm...it's really a great place


Aimufua said...

aah, those are some great pictures

Unknown said...

Hope you enjoyed your time!

I LOVE your blog and your style!

Kiss from Italy :)



Laura said...

I'm still dreaming about a trip to Stockholm. Is it as beautiful as everybody say?

Sharon (Style-Chameleon) said...

Ik hoop dat je het leuk gehad hebt!




wow! the water near the staircase looks surreal and beautiful! breathtaking photos :-)

Michiel Steur said...

Wat leuk! Ik was van maandag t/m zaterdag ook in Stockholm, toevallig! :)

Prachtige foto's weer Ivania!

m said...

I always wanted to visit Stockholm, but now I know that I must do it. can't wait for more photos

Marta said...

I qould love to see the details of this outfit :) also I would love to go to Stockholm!

Fashiable | Nanne said...

Stockholm, ahh heerlijk! Geneit ervan :)

Roos' notes | Roos said...

Prachtige hakken die je aanhebt!


Unknown said...

Stunning pictures !!

XX Luba

Well Living Blog :: Win a pair of fabulous Stuart Wetizam shoes , learn how ::


Melissa Fagan said...

The photo's you post are always top quality and are lovely too stare at for a few minutes. Along with the little paragraph about switching yourself off from the world, really makes you think how relient you're on technology.

Fagan x | http://fagansfinds.blogspot.com

Unknown said...

these are such great pictures

check out my giveaway!


B Wang said...

Beautiful photos.
I'd love to take a tech break like that, but I doubt I have the self control. The second I get internet access, I'd be all over that.



coline said...

Can't wait!


Anonymous said...

great photos!

Unknown said...

Beautiful photos. We all should take some time to disconnect from the online world. It can be an addiction for sometimes. I should disconnect.


Sugar Lane said...

wow! amazing style and beautiful pics!

Anonymous said...

very cute pics,sometimes take a break from technologies is so great!!

Anonymous said...

very cute pics,sometimes take a break from technologies is so great!!

Unknown said...

Gorgeous pictures~!!!!

Marjolein | NeverTooPolished said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Marjolein | NeverTooPolished said...

Breathtaking indeed...

Anonymous said...

such a nice post :-) we all need to get away once in a while x x x

TeuntjeVDW said...

Beautiful pictures! xx.

Ruby And Siel said...

Over breathtaking gesproken, dat zijn jouw foto's alvast! Ik kijk al uit naar meer!

Amber said...

Amazing photos! Hope you enjoyed yourself, I think I might be in need of a getaway myself!

Jenaly Enns said...

so nice. I really want to go on a vacation somewhere new and relaxing!! I can't wait to see your pictures...I am going to Sweden next year!


Laura said...

Love this, sounds so relaxing. Love how you are wearing your hair here to x

Sylvia Salas - Dare to DIY said...

Lovely pics! I should do that too, but I don't know if I would be able to switch off everything...


Anonymous said...

COPENHAGEN ! Come visit my amazing city, when you are so close. Visit the modern art museum Louisiana and the danish design museum.

Unknown said...

love the chunky sweater with those boots! simple but chic!


MILEX said...

I have no words, I just adore you so much!

Johanna said...

awesome pictures <3

Unknown said...

It's always nice to de-clutter yourself once in a while. But I'm glad you maintained the outfit photos! :)

x karen

Leah Nielsen said...

Absolutely gorgeous photographs! I enjoy the water one very much. Stockholm is beautiful, I hope to visit there again but for a much longer period than before.

I know what you mean about taking a break from all things digital. Nature is good :)

Unknown said...

Sometimes this is so lovely to do.. beautiful photos too!


Unknown said...

Beautiful pictures!

mercredie said...

Your pics are always amazing !!

Kisses from Switzerland.

Anonymous said...

enjoy beautiful!

Zsú said...

love that last picture :) Stockholm is amazing I wish I could be there right now. :)


allmyfaces said...

Good outfit and amazing photos!

miasmode said...

The photos are incredible. Glad you enjoyed the silence <3


rae shore said...

did you go to the MOMA ivania?!
i hope you saw the seascapes, i always feel like they truly belong in that city. so happy you enjoyed stockholm <3

Unknown said...

Jaloers, leuke foto's!

Therese said...

The photos are amazing, and you look gorgeous! http://weareallmonstersindside.blogspot.dk/

Anonymous said...

ivania! youre outfit is almost normal on these pictures!


It is soooo normal yes! I didn't even categorize it as an 'outfit' post... because it's not really... its just clothes

Matilde* said...

Stockholm is amazing and beautiful!

Sjo - Bordeaux Bravoure said...

Prachtige fotos, de zee heeft iets heel speciaals op de tweede foto.
Geniet van je vakantie :)

Gabriela said...

I NEED those Stockholm tips from you! Please please please

kiss and love from Brazil

hiPop said...

Stunning photos!

Matthew Spade said...

seems like the perfect place to get lost

G said...

Your style is overthetop....LOOOOVE IT

Check out my blog where I uploaded my first fashion magazine created by me: www.gemmamonclus.blogspot.com


shardette.. said...

I love disconnecting from it all just for the weekend.. it can be hard getting used to though!!

xx Sharday


Marie said...

your blog is my favorite !

really ,you have the creativity, the style and a good philosophy that is rarely found in blogger

I wanted to tell you


JWK said...

Beautiful photos!

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Designs For Cricut said...

Instead I was soaking up the unreal reality of Stockholm; breathtaking architecture, inspiring museums, friendly Swedes, constant sunset and the sound of the whirling sea water everywhere. More on that + the places I visited soon!
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