March 21, 2011

EVENT | Vintage for Japan, 'A Matter Of Heart'


Eventhough the 9.0-magnitude earthquake in Japan isn’t the hottest item on the news anymore, there are still approximately 12 000 people missing, 500 000 left without a home and millions threatened by a radioactive leak. KinMei Wong, a student at AMFI (Amsterdam Fashion Institute) decided to take action to help out the people in Japan.

KinMei feels a strong connection with Japan after having visited Tokyo. She came up with the idea of collecting money to donate to The Japanese Red Cross by selling vintage. De ambiguously named event ‘A matter of heart’ will be a place where you can express your love for fashion and vintage while at the same time helping those in need. You can also help out by donating your old clothes and accessories so that KinMei and friends can sell them.

A Matter of Heart
April 3
Westergasfabriek, Amsterdam
for more info and how to donate your clothes check out their Facebook Page
See you there!

This event might take place here in The Netherlands and most of the Love-Aesthetics readers won’t be able to attend, still I hope this great initiative will inspire others around the world to take action.


Floor said...


Anonymous said...

This is inspiring. We must not just forget because the news has decided to move on to something new.

Yes We Are Open said...

Goed initiatief! Ook al is Japan een welvarend land. Allen hebben ze een groot verlies geleden!

amalie said...

wow, great event! inspiring.

Catherine said...

Wait a minute - je bent Nederlands! Wat een goed idee. Helaas is Amsterdam een beetje te ver om zo even heen te gaan, maar toch!

Michele said...

Oh dit is echt een goede actie! Ik heb heeeeeel veel spullen die ik graag zou willen doneren, dus ik ga zeker contact opnemen!
Thanks hiervoor.

Mia said...

Great idea, really wish I could go!

isabel said...

i think it is a really good idea.
when i read the title i thought this was all about a brand promising to donate part of their revenue when you buy stuff in their shops.
the idea of donating clothes and accessoires to her and her friends and they selling them without holding back any money - a really inspiring idea, maybe we can do something like this here in the uk as well (:

Six Feet From The Edge - Debbie said...

Super initiatief! Ik ga kijken of ik kan dan, anders gaat er zeker een berg kleren naar het Westergasterrein!


✗✗ said...

That first picture is so heartbreaking! I love the sound of this donation. So smart! Japan is in my prayers.


That's a super idea.

Unknown said...

Such a good idea. Poor Japan.

Stephanie Loudmouth said...

That first photo is gut-wrenching. Thank you for letting us know the details of the event!
Twitter @theloudermouth
Birthday Blog Event

Anonymous said...

I really love your style!!!

Jamesjgzi said...

Goed initiatief! Ook al is Japan een welvarend land. Allen hebben ze een groot verlies geleden!

GG. said...

Amazing work. adultwork london