jacket: thrifted
ear cuff: Local jewelry store(similar here)
Most probably, this hair used to belong to an indian girl who made a few bucks from it by selling it after a haircut. Strange that it is now on my head but it is a scenario I could live with. I'd rather not think about the creepier stories about how they collect this human hair for extensions, like cutting it off corpses in India. Oops. Well, getting back to the subject; as the chances that my hair will ever grow this long while keeping up the bleaching and coloring are none, I decided to get a few extensions and give them a grey rinse along with my own hair. It will also give my own hair a break from the hairdryer and styling iron for a couple of months.
Oh! Remember this DIY post from the Love Aesthetics archives involving some of human hair?
love your ear cuff! <3
i didn't ever think about that you could be more stunning. but long hair makes you so.. wow!
and most of the indians are cutting their hair for religious purpous. so i didn't think that you're wearing hair from dead bodies.
Beautiful. It makes such a difference when people use real hair extensions rather than fake!
It's a LDN Thing
Ziet er prachtig uit!
Will you please vote for me in the Esprit Style Battle!
Staat je goed en leuke ear cuff!
love the grey hair on you
Love it!
(enter my giveaway - iphone case)
i love your hair like this. looks really nice
the pony tail lolls gorgeous on you !
XX Luba
Well Living Blog :: see my working looks this week
seriously, I love your hair whether it's real or not!
Francesca xo
Most extensions just look like cheap...well.. extensions. But since yours are dyed to match the same crazy color as your greyish hair it looks totally perfect. I am, as usual, super impressed with your ability to make things I thought we not-cool into things that are totally cool.
Staat je goed!
this is amazing
xo Camilla
Into The Fold
Love it <3
Love the photos,
your hair is amazing (;
/ Stephanie
Love it! Heel mooi!
love it, it makes your hair look amazing
Je haar is prachtig!
Heel gaaf met dat jasje, ik vind het echt zo'n mooi oosters jasje!
I actually like the longer grey hair on you :) Cool look!
taylor & DEMOLISH
Enter my 'taylor & DEMOLISH + Amrita Singh' Jewelry GIVEAWAY!!!
Your hair is so perfect!
Ik hou van jou stijl,
echt een geweldige inspiratie van Nederlandse bodem!
Een voorbeeld moet je zijn voor vele :)
Your hair is amazing... completely amazing...
It looks great on you! I love the knitted ponytail.
goorgeous! i love the earcuff x
Why are you 90% of the time so perfect! :D
what the fuck is wrong with you to be like oops they cut corpse's hair off in india. you sound like such a dumbass. who cares if they profane dead people bodies as long as i look like a dumb bitch with purple hair right?
I squealed a little when you mentioned corpses, but I hope that's not the case, but as long as you respect your hair, it's not like an insult to them. What a coincidence, I recently bought a long hair dark brown wig for me because I always thought men with long hair are kinda cool, so I'd be having more options, like girls who wear their hair up or down. This really suits you, it's just a whole new look! I love your shoulder length hair, it's very modern but come on, girl's gotta have some long hair to swoosh around with! :D
xx The Provoker
You have my dream color hair *-*
Sorry, but it makes you look old lady-ish. It's a no.
drop dead.
That's not your hair?
Gosh I've never seen a faux ponytail matched so perfectly.
The Lovelorn
I actually love/hate this.
The fact u can pull of this and I can't makes me sick (ahaha kiddin)
U killed me! <3
The hair that comes from India are actually "religious offerings", so they probably don't actually make money at all. The temples make money, by selling the hair per bag/kg probably. Apparently I've read of stories of hair being cut by "robbers" when the girls are sleeping. Oh well, you give it justice. Could you get any prettier?!
To anonymous;
first off , calling someone names on the internet anonymously is so pathetic.
I'll ignore all your swearing and answer anyway;
you misread this post, because obviously the oops referred to thinking about scary stories people make up, It does not refer to oops i'm wearing some dead person's hair - which I am not. Those who read my blog know that I really care about where all my products come from and if they are made in an ethical way.
smart girl and beautiful from both - inside and out
Cassy Gehal
from Barcelona
i love your blog!
staat je super goed!
So lovely :D
hey, its amazing, what colour do you use?
ivania, i totally agree with you. being as rude as THAT to someone you don´t know totally IS pathetic!!
the peron who said this has absolutely no idea what he or she is talking about.
i read your blog every day and i totally understood, what you meant.
so, this faux ponitail is gorgeous and so are you!!
(i wish, i could write in a non-anonymus-way, but i don´t have any internet account...)
love, l.
Just wanted to add to what Jayvee Doroteo said, there is "Good Hair" by Jeff Stilson documentary - if anybody interested. It's worth watching (i/e talks about the temple vs hair offering controversy.)
Ivania! I understand that the anonymous commenter was very rude in the way they worded themselves, but on the bright side, I guess you can appreciate that that sort of misunderstanding (i.e. disgust at girls who put their image or vanity before unethical practice at the cost to others) does warrant quite an angry reaction!
Perhaps the commenter was new to your blog and didn't have any prior background knowledge of you and your ethical practices?
I bet they feel like they overreacted after reading your response!
Thanks guys for the lovely reactions, yes good hair is such a great and funny documentary! That's actually where I got the dead-people-myth from :)
Ah heel mooi! Ik vind dat grijs je heel mooi staan. De vorige keer ook al. En die jas is ook echt schitterend, is het vilt?
This looks fantastic on you. Great idea to help save your own hair while looking fabulous. Did you find it difficult to dye the hair?
Your hair looks amazing!
hair looks ace!
LOVEEEE your white hair, really! (:
Heel mooi hoor!!
OMG WEAVEEEEEEEEE!!!!! I LOVE! therefore I DIE for this look too
a stunning photo. i love the contrast between your violet hair and this jacket which reminds me of the jackets bearing always by the German hunters.
The beauty long faux ponytail is given here. You can know all about it
beauty salon
What kind of extensions did you get? and where?
how do you get that grey colour? I have tried bleaching to nearly white, toning and using manic panic purple into a quick fade...but your grey is the colour i have dreams about!
please share!
The baeuty long faux ponytail is shown in the post here
Great Information!!
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