dress, shoes, nosepiece, bag: Maison Martin Margiela
images from my SHOWstudio tumblr curation
Can you imagine an email popping up on your phone from 'Nick Knight'. I couldn't. I thought it was most probably a news message from SHOWstudio, or someone who happens to have the same name.
But part of me secretly hoped that it was indeed the man himself acknowledging my existence. So although opening that email took a few seconds it felt like several minutes.
It was indeed Nick Knight himself, sending me an incredibly kind email introducing himself and SHOWstudio saying 'I do hope you don't mind me approaching out of the blue like this'
and asking me if I would like to curate the SHOWstudio tumblr for one week. I started writing a crazy fan love letter back but stopped myself, waited for the next morning to calm down and respond like a normal human being.
Now time is finally here that I am taking over the tumblr, usually every first week of the month a different person takes over the SHOWstudio tumblr to 'curate' this digital space.
Thanks to Nick, who asked me all the right questions I came up with the concept to make a gradient out of images and make the SHOWstudio tumblr shift from black to white throughout the week.
With the incredible help of Agata Belcen, fashion editor at AnOther magazine and stylist at Dazed & Confused, I got access to the clothes that ironically I usually only see on style.com and tumblr.
They will be classified by color and Romeo and I will shoot them in a very strict, uniform way. There will also be a couple of DIYs incorporated in the fade.
These are a few images from yesterday, the darkest day. It is by far one of the most fun projects I have ever done.
Hope you will follow and enjoy my project for SHOWstudio as the images fade to white until the end of this week. > Click Click Click!
I remember reading a
Great projects, the photos are amazing! It is so weird to see you with black hair!
Another amazing outfit!
I have to ask.. How do get your hair that amazing color?
- Christine
Love your minimal style
Francesca from http://everydaycoffee23.blogspot.it
Wow! Amazing project, i can't wait to see all the photos you'll post
oh my god
i'm speechless!
you look wonderful!
totally mindblowing!
you are so lucky, you can curate showstudio tumblr!
i will follow it!
Wow! You look amazing!
Jaaa wauw, gisteren al even goed bekeken. Echt ontzettend mooi en je bent perfect voor deze kans! Kan niet wachten om de rest te zien komende week! Geniet!! xx Sofie
amazing dress!
Wauw, wat een geweldig project! En het past ook zo goed bij je! I can't wait to see more of you during this collab!
With love,
You look fabulous !
XX Luba
Michael Kors bag GIVEAWAY
WOW !!! Well done. Love the pictures. And toi toi toi for the SHOWstudio.
Always love your DIY and outfits.
Wat een prachtige foto's en geweldige tas en jurk. Die jurk ziet er echt uit alsof je erin kan wonen, zo comfortabel! Mooi hoor! xx
Amazing! Great location to shoot this special look!
Beautiful imagery :) and well done for getting this amazing opportunity! xx
What an amazing network of talent. It's so nice to know that dreams can come true :)
Wat super zeg voor je!
Het zijn hele mooie foto's, en ook de andere foto's op de tumblr zijn prachtig!
Zwart haar staat je best goed ;)
This collab is amazing! I'ts nice to hear that companies like Showstudio are very open to things like this. And your concept is so cool too! Makes the viewer really look forward to future posts.
Wow, such a great news! You certainly deserve the attention of all the high fashion VIPs out there - you do belong with them! :) All the photos (here and on tumblr) look great! I love the black dress! And fading colors from black to white is a brilliant concept! Isn't it what happened to your wardrobe over a more extended period of time? ;) Keep us posted!
I'm loving your SHOWstudio curation thus far - I remember pouncing onto the tumblr on the morning of April 1, only to remember that time differences meant it wouldn't be online for hours. So very jealous of your Margiela ensemble - congratulations on such an awesome opportunity!
Super collaboration ! I didn't know Nick Knight but now I will for sure !
I particularly appreciated the last picture because it is very graphic, architectural, it is almost like a painting. I always appreciate passing by your blog because I don't consider it a mere outfit blog because you have a real aesthetic, a lifestyle and we can feel it when seeing how you are dressed, in your DIY, pictures, and when you are keen to show us a little bit of your home.
Shug Avery of Incognito
Bag and dress is absolutely stunning, love it! <3
Love this, very androgyny and chic all at the same time. hope you can check out and follow my new blog http://herderigueur.blogspot.com/ thank you :)
the dress drapes beautifully!
I love the combination of oversized bag and dress.
Wow, Ivania! Thats incredible.... congratulations!!!
X Karen
Masion Martin Margiela is a great designer! It looks good!
Wat ontzettend gaaf zeg!
Aaaaarhg, you're so beautiful Ivania. And I love this outfit, especially the dress, suits perfect on you
This is stunning.
And again amazing! I love it! :)
You are gorgeous!
I'm really glad that you got such a fantastic opportunity! Great post!
Wooow! amazing dress!
love your blog!
stunning!!! :D i love this look :)
Hayley xx
This is incredible Ivania! Wah I am so excited for you, this is major! xx
Beautiful photo's! Perfect location too.
Kimberley Jade
Super cool!!!
LOVE your dress, so cool, love how over-sized it is!
Great look!
And what an amazing opportunity. Congrats!
Really cool! love the last picture!
Omg how amazing!
I do like when good stuff happens to good people!
just wow! this dress...
Wow, thanks a lot for letting us take a peek into your world, this way, too! :)
I'm following SHOWstudio & I really love your work there!
Absolutely stunning.
Beautiful pictures, I really enjoyed them!
What an amzing news!! Can't wait to see all the project!
Agata Belcen
WOAH! that must have been such a surreal moment, awesome xx
That's amazing!!! You're a very lucky woman!
And I love your dress, I widh I could afford so pretty things as well... Someday!
I've asked you before but I don't think you've answered me (and ofc you don't have to if you don't want to): what's your favorite online store?
You inspire me so much that I even started sewing my own clothes, even for me and my daughter.
congratulations! you deserve it!! your blog is a constant source of inspiration. It´s so great to find blogs like yours, with an unique point of view ;)
I love this outfit. Every single piece of it. Perfect
cool (:
This is really cool Ivania. So happy for you! And I love how Rei was the one to introduce your site to Nick - people with the same tastes and interests do think alike!
congrats!!! it's looking amazing and every morning i've been refreshing it to see what's new!
The last shot is genius.
Those photos of You are absolutely gorgeous, I really love how you've manage to use this dress to create a strong shape in the first photo, it's just fantastic and I admire you for such a wonderful consequency, it really shows in those photos you've currently posted on showstudio, it's very inspiring watching you growing and developing your taste. And I know it just sounds like crazy fan love letter indeed, but I really think you can be a very important voice in this fashion world someday
This is beautiful.
Excited to see how this project unfolds!
Lucky you! You look amazing <3
Personal Style Blog By ORR
favorite blogger (full stop)
your just incredible.
i would really interested in what music you listen too!
Stunning !
uau, im in love!
that’s so exciting! And you’re killing it over there, Ivania! Black hair = such commitment to what you’re assigned to do.
OMG IVANIA, it's finally here, I'm soooo excited for it! And love this huge black margiela dress, I only got one word to describe it "Breathtaking". Love the generous fabric used as its materiality, stunning! I would go cray too if I saw Nick emailing me, lol. So surreal and all this is well deserved!
xx The Provoker
I just looked through what you did for SS's tumblr and omg I love it!! It's so you and a new you! An evolved you! It's minimal, reduced, yet a modern edge was added to it. I even like the one shot with just the color code as a photo. And the ones with a piece of moon rock -esque shot juxtaposed with you curled up in the black margiela dress on the steps. LOVE LOVE LOVE!
xx The Provoker
This is the best idea ! I love it and can't wait to see the rest
Congratulations! Such a great opportunity!!
x Sharday
Your minimalist approach to life definitely shows in your style & photos. It's so refreshing.
that's awesome!! congrats xx
gorgeous! and i love the idea of the gradient, such a nice concept :)
steph / absolutely-fuzzy.com
That blog is really inspiring, love the suit from & Other Stories. I honestly think you are one of the most interesting bloggers there are, stay great:)
guess i have a crutch on you. no other crafter in the net make me want a sewing machine, glue gun, bucket of colour, through things into my oven as much as you do. usually i recon most things people show, but with you im always surprised. every time there is a new post waiting for being read, my heart starts beating faster!
so nice!
your curation just made my heart melt.
ahhhhhh. i could like cry.... really.........
WOW. Sublime. :))))
And congrats on the exciting project!
That dress is amazing!!
beyond awesome. you're killing the oversized look :)
Great look!
How amazing is your color exploration on this Tumblr, I devoured every single image.
Your Style is amazing!!! May I ask where this place is????? Love it!
It's in fact very complex in this busy life to listen news on Television, so I simply use internet for that reason, and take the most recent news.
Thanks a lot for sharing.
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توفر شركة الحارس الخاص اكبر شركه حراسات امنية للعمل علي تأمين وحماية اهم الشخصيات العامه وتوفير نظام حماية وحراسة في شركه امن وحراسة بمصر وباقل التكاليف .
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